Episode 1 – Area 69
Summary: Roswell and Donna face orientation challenges at their new home. A vital crew member joins the Rhapsody.
Continuing Story – The episode opens with Roswell, Donna and Stella being processed through Space Customs into Area 69, the underground base in Dulce, NM. It’s a joint-research facility with a population of gray aliens, monitored by US military. They move into their quarters, and Donna tries to set up house. Their orientation includes a short film of the history of the secret base. They meet some of the grays and a friendly human soldier. Ros befriends one of the older gray males, Hier (French – sounds like ee-air).
Stella’s newly revealed power is that when she burps at a certain low, loud, rumbling frequency, she creates a short distance “wormhole” that can transport her across the room - a Burp Hole. She is a toddler in a new environment, and Donna and Roswell try to protect her - and themselves - as her new power gets them all into a very dangerous situation. Stella’s Burp Holes must, somehow, be contained and hidden from the guards, as they pose a very real security threat. Donna finally discovers that a simple pacifier can stop it. Stella’s Burp Holes only open short hops for now, but the distances seem to be growing.
Resolved Story – The Rhapsody crew is relaxing in the Asteroid Belt, after the stressful battle (S1, Ep 10), where they own several asteroids (the way cruise ships own small islands in the Bahamas). They’ve fixed this one up to include fun stuff for the humans and the grays, and there is a massive mini-golf course. The crew is betting on making funny shots, swimming on the fake beach - enjoying vacation time.
Meanwhile, we see (from overhead surveillance cam) Tanjen/Jentan in her Prison cell – a much darker place on a remote Prison Planet. She is defiant, unremorseful, still dedicated to the GETH cause. Meanwhile, in GETH headquarters, a plan is being hatched to free her.
Resolved Story – Captain Zenith, still recovering from being stabbed by Shavika, stays on the Rhapsody to interview potential 1st officers to replace Tanjen. Interviews are shown like filmed auditions, with clapboards, edited. They include: 1) Young, nervous, giggling male who has hero-worshipped her his whole life (posters of her in his room); 2) Hybrid male who understands humans and grays alike; 3) PT Barnum-style visionary female who has BIG plans to bring new ideas to the Rhapsody; 4) Female, smart, 30-ish, science officer from another ship, ambitious. Zenith finally chooses at the end of the episode – Carni (the PT Barnum fan) is the new First Officer on the Rhapsody.
Episode 2 – A Sprinkle in Time
Summary: A relationship on the Rhapsody is threatened by an addiction to a time-altering drug. Shavika is finally dating the lizard of her dreams.
Continuing Story – Shavika is hailed as a hero when she returns to Stecki’s ship, armored and battle-worn, having (assumedly) killed the Captain of the Rhapsody (S1, Ep 10). She looks badass, and Stecki notices – finally. Stecki’s reaction to hearing of Zenith’s death: “Damn, I’ll have to find a new crush…..What are you doing tonight, Shambooey?” Shavika’s dreams are coming true. She joyfully accepts. We see a montage of their dates – funny stuff. Shavika’s confidence grows, as Stecki falls in love with her.
Resolved Story - Dr. Lewie notices there is Tymazine missing from the ship pharmacy. Someone is stealing it. He gets Manalishi on the case. Manalishi studies the effects of Tymazine – how it is used to make time appear to go faster or slower, and learns how to identify someone who is Tyming. Later, when he and Nurse Grapple are in a BDSM session (which includes “silver showers”), he realizes she is showing the signs. It’s Grapple – his mistress who, of course, has access to the pharmacy. Their relationship dynamic must reverse in order for Manalishi to take charge and put the handcuffs on her. Will he?
When privately confronted, Grapple explains her Tymazine addiction to Manalishi. She uses it to shorten the time she spends with humans (she hates them) and expand the private time she spends with Manalishi. Her addiction is shown in a sympathetic way. Manalishi is torn. His loyalties are with her … but also to his job as Chief Security Officer. He finally decides not to turn her in, but to try to help her break her addiction. He struggles with the decision not to tell Lewie, her boss.
Post-credits scene is a Tymazine ad with ad jingle.
SONGS: Tymazine ad jingle, TBD
Episode 3 – Udder Madness
Summary: Klarkyr struggles to find her place aboard the Rhapsody. Roswell and Donna face growing parenting challenges.
Resolved Story – Nurse Grapple goes (in a bad disguise) to an addiction recovery meeting, led by Coach Rootha, to get help with her Tymazine addiction. (We find later that she was tyming to get through the meeting faster.) A few others are there, including Klarkyr, who has been struggling since Roger and Bill left the ship. She feels like she has no place, and fights depression and guilt, knowing that the other cows are being slaughtered and served as food in the ship’s Burger World fast food café. She has started drinking, a lot. Klare is advised to try new things on the ship and find a place where she fits in. We see a montage of her trying new jobs, without success, including vegetarian lunch lady, gift shop manager (bull in china shop), etc.
At the end of the episode, Klare is visiting with Neville and Zenith at Club Nova. Zenith and Neville are missing Roswell. Neville is complaining that no one has come by for his drink order, and Klare grabs his glass and fills it under the table with her milk. He drinks it and – it’s like a White Russian. It’s good –and full of alcohol, from her special 4-stomach recipe. Zenith has one, too, and loves it. Neville tells Klare she should sell it, and she finds her new place on the ship – as an entrepreneur/drinkmaster at Club Nova. Only SHE can produce the popular new drink. They have fun naming it … “Milkohol? Cowtini? Moloko Plus? – No, that’s taken. ” They finally settle on “Udder Madness.”
Continuing Story – Roswell and Donna are raising Stella in Dulce. Donna wants to take her out, to see Earth – maybe even San Diego, where she’s from. But it’s not allowed. They are having parenting issues, and Ros is upset that, on the Rhapsody, Stella is treated as a “Starchild” – special and loved. In Dulce, she meets with prejudice from the humans and the Grays. We see a funny montage of parenting fails and laughs – happy moments mixed in with Burp Hole close calls. More and more each day, they are missing their old life on the Rhapsody.
Episode 4 – Keep Clam and Carry On
Summary: A dramatic rescue plan hits some snags. Sea monkeys petition for British citizenship and representation in Parliament.
Resolved Story – Orlando, the sea monkey, is acting weird … violent, stressed. He finally confesses that he MUST return to Earth, to the Thames in the heart of London, where his people migrate every time there is an election in Parliament. Zenith – who has been looking for an excuse to return to Earth - agrees to take him.
Orlando joins his fellow sea monkeys who are petitioning for British citizenship and a seat in the House of Lords. We learn the history of the sea monkey species, created as a science project to genetically boost brine shrimp to become the happy, social creatures in the old comic book ads. Their brain capacity was increased through infusing cloned gray matter from the British royal line (obtained through another comic book ad). When kids began flushing them down toilets, the sea monkeys quickly migrated to the Thames to claim their rightful place. Instead, the British tabloids labeled them an invasive species. (More info in Show Bible: Species and Civilizations)
In the Thames outside Parliament, Orlando meets a group of Asian Clams – another “invasive species.” They are “go with the flow” types and don’t understand why the sea monkeys want to be recognized and given a voice in elections. Orlando explains activism and the importance of representation.
In the end, the sea monkeys win, and are - finally - granted full British citizenship and a seat in the House of Lords. The Rhapsody crew throws a party for Orlando when he returns.
Resolved Story – Zenith is confiding to Neville that she is thinking of retiring, when she gets Orlando’s request to return to Earth. After quickly agreeing, she and Neville plan to rescue Roswell, Donna and Stella from Area 69 in Dulce. Neville is sent to Dulce, in the hopes that he can seamlessly interact with the military personnel, and learn the whereabouts of Ros, Donna and Stella. But when the plan goes wrong, Neville is captured and put in a holding cell. He sends a message to Zenith, along with a photo he took of Ros and another Gray – Hier. Zenith gets the message and does a double take…
Ros and Hier are talking, and Hier is asking how he wound up with the name, Roswell, and Roswell tells him the story of his father, who he never met, crashing in Roswell. They realize they are father and son.
Zenith gets ready to go to Dulce, against the advice of Carni, her new first officer. Carni is left in charge and Zenith puts on a disguise and prepares to infiltrate Area 69. She first releases Neville and the two of them go to find Ros. He’s still with Hier, and there is an epic, teary, loving reunion between Zenith and Hier/Demain. He explains his romantically-inspired name change. He tells them how to get out of Dulce, and explains why he must stay behind. The escape from Dulce hits a snag, when the group cannot get past a locked door. At the last minute, a “Plan B” involves Stella being coaxed to open a Burp Hole to let them escape.
Back on the ship, as the crew throws a party for Orlando, Zenith is thinking about power, and the importance of granting power, turning over power to the next generations. She decides she will retire as ship’s Captain in six months, and sends a communication to the bridge crew.
Episode 5 – F*cking 1897, Godd@mmit!
Summary: An investigation into the past brings more unexpected guests than the Lido Deck can handle. New relationships ignite. One crew member loses control.
Continuing Story – It’s a busy day on the Lido Deck, as Dr. Lewie and Nurse Grapple are dealing with a rush of “capture-and-release” abduction cases after the Picker malfunctions when they are targeting a farmer from 1897. Neville has ordered an investigation into the 1897 central US airship sighting wave after learning that it wasn’t headed by the Grays. Who was it, then? They beam aboard Henry, a young, black Illinois farmer who was an eyewitness.
They also accidentally pick up Femi, a 20-year old Egyptian girl from the Ramses II era, and Destiny, a 20-year old black rapper from Queens, 2009. Because they don’t have enough room to separate everyone, Femi and Henry share a holding cell, and the two share an instant chemistry. They become closer as the episode progresses, and in between flirts and eventually kisses, they also discuss things like their radically different slavery backgrounds. (Her people enslaved Hebrews, his people had only recently been emancipated). They are bonding.
Lewie (who is often called a Buttnik behind his back) is instantly captivated by Destiny, seeing her unconscious, beautiful, on the exam table. But she regains consciousness unexpectedly and proves to be quite vocal. She calms down some when she realizes Lewie is, obviously, flirting with her, and she gets flirty, too. Destiny overhears Lewie and Ros talking about how the Abduction Rules clearly state that no one can be taken who is famous or consequential. She argues with them – They have to take her back because she is going to be a famous rapper. Eventually, she breaks down, teary, thinking about how maybe her life wouldn’t make a difference to anyone on Earth. Lewie puts in a formal request to convert Destiny from C&R (catch-and-release) to Guest status. In the end, permission is granted.
Neville finally gets to the bottom of the 1897 mystery … It’s a species of shapeshifters that the grays have only heard about. At the end of the episode, when Lewie goes to release Henry and Femi, he finds only Femi in the cell. Henry is gone. There is blood on the floor, and blood dripping from Femi’s mouth. She is smoking a cigarette, looking satisfied. She sees Lewie, shrugs with a smile and says,” It’s what we do” as she morphs into a 6-ft tall Mantis.
Resolved Story – OTT begins experiencing strange, loud outbursts, full of cursing and anger – and it finally happens onstage. The audience, used to his happy, uplifting presence, is mortified. He visits Coach Rootha, who had told him not to internalize his feelings. She asks if he is letting out pent up anger over not knowing he was a robot, over his last break-up, over his long hours at work? Or, maybe it’s mechanical… a corrupted language file … or possible, intentional sabotage? Huit is called in, and he discovers someone has implanted a Tourette’s Circuit into OTT’s hard drive. It’s controlled remotely. Huit is able to identify fingerprints, and it’s OTT’s ex, Zed, still upset about the break-up, trying to make OTT lose his job and express the anger they feel about being rejected by him. OTT confronts Zed at work and the two of them get into a close-up, face-to-face, whispering, curse-filled argument, before kissing passionately.
Episode 6 – Hopelessly Demoted
Summary: New intel leads to jealousy and power struggles in the Ssskion fleet. Stella enrolls in a new school.
Resolved Story – As Shavika has risen in the ranks of Ssskion leadership, her relationship with Stecki has grown problematic. As brave and competent as she has become, Shavika is still insanely jealous, even though Stecki has tried to show loyalty. Shavika has been promoted to General, for her bravery in battle and finally, to second in command of the fleet, alongside Stecki on the Ssskion flagship.
Stecki and Shavika learn that Zenith is still alive. Stecki’s knee-jerk reaction is joy and a renewed interest in Zenith. Shavika is furious. Stecki promises to forget Zenith and stay loyal to Shavika, but when Stecki’s text to Zenith is intercepted by Shavika, she flies into a rage. At the end of the episode, she’s about to kill him and take command. Stecki convinces Shavika to spare him, desperately saying she can have his command. She agrees, assumes command, and demotes him to Head Toilet Cleaner. “No, wait - Assistant Toilet Cleaner.”
When Neville and Zenith learn that Shavika has taken command of the Ssskion fleet, they know a new era is beginning. Stecki was harmless; Shavika is dangerous. Neville begins studying Ssskions more closely and organizes a Rhapsody Boot Camp to create a better defensive force. (Gags show how unequipped most grays are to fight). Zenith decides that it isn’t time to retire – She needs to stay and make sure Shavika doesn’t harm her ship. The crew celebrates her decision to stay.
Continuing Story – Donna, Ros and Stella are back on the Rhapsody. Ros and Neville visit and discuss the Ssskion threat and the progress of the SounDrive systems. Neville wants the ship to become more defense-driven and asks if they can focus on weaponizing the SounDrive. Roswell is a pacifist, and pushes back. It’s his research. There are so many positive applications for sound frequency technology. They wind up in an argument.
Donna enrolls Stella in the Hybrid pre-school. They haven’t had a “mother” attend in many years, and they dust off an old orientation education film, explaining the history and purpose of the Hybrid program, and how it’s been developing for generations.
Episode 7 – Laika
Summary: Donna is homesick, and wants to integrate more Earth customs into her life aboard the Rhapsody. The crew attempts a heartwarming rescue mission into the past.
Resolved Story – Following the recent visit to Earth, Donna is homesick for some of the things she had on Earth. She wants Stella to have a dog. “Where am I supposed to find an Earth dog in space?” asks Roswell. Donna tells him about Laika, the Russian dog who was launched into space and never recovered. The whole crew decides to save Laika. They set the Picker to Earth Orbit, November 3, 1957 – targeting the Sputnik 2, and abduct Laika just minutes before she dies in the capsule. History isn’t changed, but Laika is rescued. They bring her aboard the Rhapsody, save her and introduce her to Stella. Laika and Stella bond immediately. We see scenes of Laika and Stella walking around the ship, playing together, etc. Donna shows Stella how to play fetch with Laika. Neville is crazy about Laika, too, as she reminds him of his dog back home. Destiny is afraid of dogs. Laika becomes an ambassador/support animal to help greet and acclimate the new human guests.
Continuing Story – In addition to a dog for Stella, Donna also wants a wedding. She’s a 1962 woman, and she won’t feel like her family is complete until she and Roswell are husband and wife. Roswell explains that some gray couples do have Earth wedding ceremonies – but mostly as a Cosplay thing. Wedding ceremonies aren’t a thing for Grays. Donna explains what it means to her, and how their relationship is so much more of a marriage than what she had with her husband, John, back on Earth.
At the end of the episode, the ship docks on Titan, a gorgeous place – a moon of Saturn with an orange sky and a beautiful view of the Rings. Roswell and Donna are talking about how beautiful the rings are, when he pulls out an engagement ring, and proposes.
Episode 8 – Caveman on a Leash
Summary: A caveman and a wedding planner lead Donna and Roswell to wrestle with some big questions, as a shipwide emotional emergency threatens the lives of everyone aboard.
Continuing Story – Lewie calls Roswell to the Probe Lab to see a new abductee – a caveman who is singing a melody. They brought him onboard to monitor the ongoing DNA manipulation that the grays began long ago. Ros talks about the origins of music. They can communicate with the caveman through the microscopic Rosetta Chip they installed in his neck. Lewie is hungry, so they put the caveman on a leash and take him to Burger World. The caveman wolfs down some burgers and as they’re walking back to the lab, Donna shows up. The Caveman lunges at her and is aggressively trying to have sex with her. They tug at his leash, pulling him away. Further down the hall, they pass Klarkyr, and the caveman picks up a sculpture and tries to bash her over the head.
Back in the Probe Lab, Grapple tells them Destiny is waiting to see Lewie in Sick Bay - just on the other side of the door. Destiny pokes her head through the door, sees the Probe Lab and starts to react. Lewie, Ros and the Caveman quickly get to the door, push her back in Sick Bay, and wipe her memory. The caveman lunges at Destiny. “ExCUSE me! Back off, you horny ass caveman!” Lewie confides in Roswell that Destiny treats him the same way when it comes to sex. She pushes him away, saying her relationships don’t work out.
The caveman is really in touch with his instincts, and Roswell starts to wonder if that’s not a viable lifestyle … untamed primal drives. He is having second thoughts about committing to a monogamous, “tamed” married lifestyle. It’s not natural for his species. Lewie says he’s keeping the Caveman for a few more days to study his DNA upgrades.
Resolved Story - Destiny convinces Donna she needs a wedding planner, and that the wedding should be AMAZING! They ask Alexandria (their Alexa/Siri) to show wedding planners and they pick one and do a first meeting. It’s VERY over-the-top. The wedding planner is ultra-romantic and flamboyant, from an alien species that mates for life. His first question is whether or not any member of the couple (or trio or quad) is from a species that mates for life. Donna and Ros disagree on whether humans mate for life. They discuss how it impacts the ceremony. At home, Donna tells Roswell that 37% of the known species in the galaxy mate for life. Roswell says there used to be more - but they went extinct because they got tired of each other. He says it’s a good thing humans don’t mate for life. Donna is confused and hurt.
Later, Donna goes to Klare’s bar at Club Nova, saying “I need a drink, Klare.” She confesses that she’s nervous about the wedding because her first marriage to John was so bad. Does she really want to do that again?
At the end of the episode, Ros and Donna are in bed, talking about the caveman and mating for life, when a ship-wide “incident” helps make their decision easier.
Resolved Story – Orlando is helping Huit organize files in the systems folder. He sees one he doesn’t recognize, and opens it. We hear Huit burst out laughing in the next room. Orlando is shocked and swims in to see what’s going on. Huit is cracking up about a joke he heard in Season 1. Then he laughs about another one. Then he hugs Orlando and thanks him for the time he nursed him back to health when he had bot crabs, telling him that he’s his best friend. “I love you, man.”
Orlando realizes something is wrong. He discovers he’s accidentally opened the file where Huit’s emotions are stored. Everyone thought Huit didn’t HAVE emotions, but he does, and they’ve just been stored safely away where they can’t trigger the ship’s systems through Huit’s AI-infused brains. Huit asks Orlando to keep the file open. He likes the new feelings. Huit goes to Club Nova (with Orlando in his sea helmet) and is being social, friendly, interacting, much to everyone’s surprise and delight. Then he’s moved to tears by a song someone sings on stage. All the lights in Club Nova turn blue, and a pipe bursts on the bridge, spraying water everywhere. Huit thinks he can control his feelings, so they don’t interfere with the ship’s systems, but he realizes he can’t. In the end, one of his emotional epiphanies nearly kills everyone on the ship. Huit realizes he doesn’t want to be alone - He wants to merge with another living being - not just computer circuits. His epiphany magnetizes all organic material on the ship - which is funny and awful. After having an episode full of wonderful feelings, beautiful and melancholy, sad, glorious, elated and devastated, Huit tells Orlando to close the folder. It’s safer to not feel anything.
Roswell and Donna, who have been struggling with pre-wedding jitters, talking in bed, are suddenly pulled together, smushed up against one another during Huit’s epiphany. While the rest of the crew is panicking, Roswell says, “You know - this is nice.”
Episode 9 – Bloodlines
Summary: A Bachelor Party goes awry as wedding plans escalate. An old enemy makes a new threat that could stop everything.
Continuing Story – As Donna is planning her wedding, and an elaborate honeymoon, she wishes her mother could be at the wedding. She finds out that her mother was also an abductee, and her grandmother was, too. She learns that she is part of a bloodline that the grays have been grooming for generations (all with green eyes and RH negative blood). There is a way to transport Donna’s mother - and Grandmother - in for the wedding, from the time portals where they were regularly being abducted. Donna begins to wonder about what the grays have planned for Stella’s future.
Resolved Story - Neville throws a Bachelor Party in his quarters for Roswell. Lewie, Manalishi, Huit, Orlando, OTT and the Caveman (still on a leash, with Lewie) are there. None of the strippers are remotely gray-ish or humanoid (a giant amoeba, a crab, a sloth takes forever to disrobe). Ros has to pick which one gives him the lap dance. The porno films are awful. Roswell isn’t into it - but it’s funny.
Lewie talks to the guys about his frustrating lack of sex with Destiny. She seems to want him, but pushes him away, and when she finally agrees to have sex with him, something always interrupts them or stops it. We see a montage of Lewie and Destiny sex fails.
Continuing Story – Shavika, as the new Ssskion Fleet Commander, is making great strides for the Ssskion world. She is a brilliant strategist, from a wealthy family and is expanding the empire. But when she intercepts another text that Stecki is sending to Zenith, she flies into a fit of rage, and exiles him to an asteroid in an obsolete star system. One of the Ssskion crew members notes that “Love makes her crazy.” Shavika vows “Death to Zenith, and ALL OF HER DESCENDANTS!”
Episode 10 – Wedding Crashers
Summary: The big day is full of surprises, as uninvited guests crash the wedding.
Resolved Story – Donna and Roswell are getting married in a chapel on a beautiful planet – with a beach where the sun is always rising, and a rainbow is always in the sky. The wedding planner and his robot assistant are attending to all the details: caterers, Destiny’s song list, the cake, the drinks…
Zenith and Donna’s mother get acquainted. Stella is the flower girl. Neville is the Best Man. OTT is officiating. The photographer snaps away. Several surprise guests arrive, including Demain, Roswell’s father, who arranged special transport from Dulce. Donna is wishing she had a Maid of Honor, when Cindy (her friend from Season 1) surprises her, having flown in from Planet Bowie for the wedding.
The ceremony begins, but in the middle, Shavika barges in, declaring she has a wedding gift. She brings in a tall figure, in chains, with a hood over his face. She rips off the hood to reveal -- John, Donna’s husband, from Earth! She tells the crowd that Donna is already married. Everyone gasps. Donna looks dizzy. John faints. (Act break)
A line of Ssskion soldiers (dressed in wedding suits) lines up behind Shavika, guns drawn on the wedding audience. Exasperated and disheveled, the wedding planner runs in, yelling, “I told them they weren’t on the guest list!” They capture and gag him. Shavika yells for Zenith, tells the audience how Zenith is trying to steal Stecki from the Ssskion Empire. “She will pay with her life - and the lives of her descendents!” As Zenith stands, Manalishi jumps in front of her and draws a weapon. Donna steps in front of Roswell hiding him behind her billowy wedding gown, and Laika protects Stella, growling and barking at the Ssskions.
Zenith: “Shavika, are you kidding me?!? This is all because of …. Stecki??? I don’t want Stecki. I don’t even like him.” Shavika pauses, looks skeptical, confused. “And who the hell is that?” Zenith continues - motioning toward John, passed out.
John regains consciousness to hear Shavika saying, “Who is THIS? Let’s ask Donna!” Donna is speechless, and tries to explain, but John interrupts. He sits up, with guns pointed at him all around, and tries to save himself, explaining they have the wrong guy. He’s not her husband. He says that the same day Donna was declared dead, he married his young secretary that he’d been having an affair with for years. He isn’t connected to Donna - at all. They should let him go. Everyone recoils in shock. Shavika blasts John with her gun, and he disintegrates, as the wedding audience and all of the Ssskion soldiers applaud. Donna is only shocked for a moment. She knew it all along, and now, she is truly free to marry Roswell.
Shavika turns her gun back to Zenith.
Roswell intervenes. He has worked with the Wedding Planner to infiltrate the music with a new SounDrive app - a love enhancer frequency. Ros says nervously (as he moves slowly to the soundboard), “Hey, let’s talk about this. Put on some music… I’m sure it’s just been …. a…. misunderstanding?” When the music starts, the SounDrive love frequencies relax everyone. Their hearts begin to open. The Ssskions let their guns fall to the floor. Manalishi motions for security bots to take them away and secretly wraps a force field around the Ssskion intruders. Now Shavika is the only threat.
Donna takes a deep breath, looks at Roswell and says, “This is my wedding day! Let’s do this!” Everyone cheers, and the Ssskions, nod their heads in agreement. Shavika looks around at the smiling wedding guests and chuckles sarcastically, agreeing to kill everyone later. She puts her gun down, and Manalishi sneaks in to grab it, unseen.
The ceremony finishes, with OTT officiating. He asks if they can kill the music, and Roswell shouts “NO”! He knows it’s the only thing keeping everyone from fighting. Roswell and Donna are married, declared husband and wife.
As Ros and Donna walk back down the aisle and head for the reception, even the Ssskion troops are weepy. Shavika, a true romantic at heart, is obviously moved. Zenith says to Shavika, “I’ve been tracking your career since you tried to kill me. You can do better than Stecki. You can lead your people to greatness, not into a stupid war. Because WAR is where this will lead, if you harm me, my son, or anyone here. Today is about love.” Shavika looks thoughtful and walks away.
The lights sputter and flicker. The music stops. Stecki appears in hologram form, facing Zenith and the wedding party, with his back to the Ssskions. “Zenith, baby, you haven’t been answering my texts. I have to warn you - I think Shamooki might be planning to crash the wedding and-”
“SHUT UP, STECKI!” Zenith and Shavika yell it together. He turns around to see Shavika and her troops. “And it’s SHAVIKA, moron!” Shavika says, spinning back to Zenith, realizing her gun has been taken. “I knew you were lying.”
Zenith tries to calm her down. “Shavika, no. You’re a strong leader. One day, we might become allies.”
Shavika: “Allies? (laughs) You and me? I don’t need you. The Ssskions have already formed an alliance …. Haven’t we…. Destiny?” Destiny morphs into a Mantis. Lewie looks shocked, then says, “Man it’s a good thing we didn’t…” and faints.
Post credits scene is snaps of the wedding photos - some heartwarming, some funny.
Summary: Roswell and Donna face orientation challenges at their new home. A vital crew member joins the Rhapsody.
Continuing Story – The episode opens with Roswell, Donna and Stella being processed through Space Customs into Area 69, the underground base in Dulce, NM. It’s a joint-research facility with a population of gray aliens, monitored by US military. They move into their quarters, and Donna tries to set up house. Their orientation includes a short film of the history of the secret base. They meet some of the grays and a friendly human soldier. Ros befriends one of the older gray males, Hier (French – sounds like ee-air).
Stella’s newly revealed power is that when she burps at a certain low, loud, rumbling frequency, she creates a short distance “wormhole” that can transport her across the room - a Burp Hole. She is a toddler in a new environment, and Donna and Roswell try to protect her - and themselves - as her new power gets them all into a very dangerous situation. Stella’s Burp Holes must, somehow, be contained and hidden from the guards, as they pose a very real security threat. Donna finally discovers that a simple pacifier can stop it. Stella’s Burp Holes only open short hops for now, but the distances seem to be growing.
Resolved Story – The Rhapsody crew is relaxing in the Asteroid Belt, after the stressful battle (S1, Ep 10), where they own several asteroids (the way cruise ships own small islands in the Bahamas). They’ve fixed this one up to include fun stuff for the humans and the grays, and there is a massive mini-golf course. The crew is betting on making funny shots, swimming on the fake beach - enjoying vacation time.
Meanwhile, we see (from overhead surveillance cam) Tanjen/Jentan in her Prison cell – a much darker place on a remote Prison Planet. She is defiant, unremorseful, still dedicated to the GETH cause. Meanwhile, in GETH headquarters, a plan is being hatched to free her.
Resolved Story – Captain Zenith, still recovering from being stabbed by Shavika, stays on the Rhapsody to interview potential 1st officers to replace Tanjen. Interviews are shown like filmed auditions, with clapboards, edited. They include: 1) Young, nervous, giggling male who has hero-worshipped her his whole life (posters of her in his room); 2) Hybrid male who understands humans and grays alike; 3) PT Barnum-style visionary female who has BIG plans to bring new ideas to the Rhapsody; 4) Female, smart, 30-ish, science officer from another ship, ambitious. Zenith finally chooses at the end of the episode – Carni (the PT Barnum fan) is the new First Officer on the Rhapsody.
Episode 2 – A Sprinkle in Time
Summary: A relationship on the Rhapsody is threatened by an addiction to a time-altering drug. Shavika is finally dating the lizard of her dreams.
Continuing Story – Shavika is hailed as a hero when she returns to Stecki’s ship, armored and battle-worn, having (assumedly) killed the Captain of the Rhapsody (S1, Ep 10). She looks badass, and Stecki notices – finally. Stecki’s reaction to hearing of Zenith’s death: “Damn, I’ll have to find a new crush…..What are you doing tonight, Shambooey?” Shavika’s dreams are coming true. She joyfully accepts. We see a montage of their dates – funny stuff. Shavika’s confidence grows, as Stecki falls in love with her.
Resolved Story - Dr. Lewie notices there is Tymazine missing from the ship pharmacy. Someone is stealing it. He gets Manalishi on the case. Manalishi studies the effects of Tymazine – how it is used to make time appear to go faster or slower, and learns how to identify someone who is Tyming. Later, when he and Nurse Grapple are in a BDSM session (which includes “silver showers”), he realizes she is showing the signs. It’s Grapple – his mistress who, of course, has access to the pharmacy. Their relationship dynamic must reverse in order for Manalishi to take charge and put the handcuffs on her. Will he?
When privately confronted, Grapple explains her Tymazine addiction to Manalishi. She uses it to shorten the time she spends with humans (she hates them) and expand the private time she spends with Manalishi. Her addiction is shown in a sympathetic way. Manalishi is torn. His loyalties are with her … but also to his job as Chief Security Officer. He finally decides not to turn her in, but to try to help her break her addiction. He struggles with the decision not to tell Lewie, her boss.
Post-credits scene is a Tymazine ad with ad jingle.
SONGS: Tymazine ad jingle, TBD
Episode 3 – Udder Madness
Summary: Klarkyr struggles to find her place aboard the Rhapsody. Roswell and Donna face growing parenting challenges.
Resolved Story – Nurse Grapple goes (in a bad disguise) to an addiction recovery meeting, led by Coach Rootha, to get help with her Tymazine addiction. (We find later that she was tyming to get through the meeting faster.) A few others are there, including Klarkyr, who has been struggling since Roger and Bill left the ship. She feels like she has no place, and fights depression and guilt, knowing that the other cows are being slaughtered and served as food in the ship’s Burger World fast food café. She has started drinking, a lot. Klare is advised to try new things on the ship and find a place where she fits in. We see a montage of her trying new jobs, without success, including vegetarian lunch lady, gift shop manager (bull in china shop), etc.
At the end of the episode, Klare is visiting with Neville and Zenith at Club Nova. Zenith and Neville are missing Roswell. Neville is complaining that no one has come by for his drink order, and Klare grabs his glass and fills it under the table with her milk. He drinks it and – it’s like a White Russian. It’s good –and full of alcohol, from her special 4-stomach recipe. Zenith has one, too, and loves it. Neville tells Klare she should sell it, and she finds her new place on the ship – as an entrepreneur/drinkmaster at Club Nova. Only SHE can produce the popular new drink. They have fun naming it … “Milkohol? Cowtini? Moloko Plus? – No, that’s taken. ” They finally settle on “Udder Madness.”
Continuing Story – Roswell and Donna are raising Stella in Dulce. Donna wants to take her out, to see Earth – maybe even San Diego, where she’s from. But it’s not allowed. They are having parenting issues, and Ros is upset that, on the Rhapsody, Stella is treated as a “Starchild” – special and loved. In Dulce, she meets with prejudice from the humans and the Grays. We see a funny montage of parenting fails and laughs – happy moments mixed in with Burp Hole close calls. More and more each day, they are missing their old life on the Rhapsody.
Episode 4 – Keep Clam and Carry On
Summary: A dramatic rescue plan hits some snags. Sea monkeys petition for British citizenship and representation in Parliament.
Resolved Story – Orlando, the sea monkey, is acting weird … violent, stressed. He finally confesses that he MUST return to Earth, to the Thames in the heart of London, where his people migrate every time there is an election in Parliament. Zenith – who has been looking for an excuse to return to Earth - agrees to take him.
Orlando joins his fellow sea monkeys who are petitioning for British citizenship and a seat in the House of Lords. We learn the history of the sea monkey species, created as a science project to genetically boost brine shrimp to become the happy, social creatures in the old comic book ads. Their brain capacity was increased through infusing cloned gray matter from the British royal line (obtained through another comic book ad). When kids began flushing them down toilets, the sea monkeys quickly migrated to the Thames to claim their rightful place. Instead, the British tabloids labeled them an invasive species. (More info in Show Bible: Species and Civilizations)
In the Thames outside Parliament, Orlando meets a group of Asian Clams – another “invasive species.” They are “go with the flow” types and don’t understand why the sea monkeys want to be recognized and given a voice in elections. Orlando explains activism and the importance of representation.
In the end, the sea monkeys win, and are - finally - granted full British citizenship and a seat in the House of Lords. The Rhapsody crew throws a party for Orlando when he returns.
Resolved Story – Zenith is confiding to Neville that she is thinking of retiring, when she gets Orlando’s request to return to Earth. After quickly agreeing, she and Neville plan to rescue Roswell, Donna and Stella from Area 69 in Dulce. Neville is sent to Dulce, in the hopes that he can seamlessly interact with the military personnel, and learn the whereabouts of Ros, Donna and Stella. But when the plan goes wrong, Neville is captured and put in a holding cell. He sends a message to Zenith, along with a photo he took of Ros and another Gray – Hier. Zenith gets the message and does a double take…
Ros and Hier are talking, and Hier is asking how he wound up with the name, Roswell, and Roswell tells him the story of his father, who he never met, crashing in Roswell. They realize they are father and son.
Zenith gets ready to go to Dulce, against the advice of Carni, her new first officer. Carni is left in charge and Zenith puts on a disguise and prepares to infiltrate Area 69. She first releases Neville and the two of them go to find Ros. He’s still with Hier, and there is an epic, teary, loving reunion between Zenith and Hier/Demain. He explains his romantically-inspired name change. He tells them how to get out of Dulce, and explains why he must stay behind. The escape from Dulce hits a snag, when the group cannot get past a locked door. At the last minute, a “Plan B” involves Stella being coaxed to open a Burp Hole to let them escape.
Back on the ship, as the crew throws a party for Orlando, Zenith is thinking about power, and the importance of granting power, turning over power to the next generations. She decides she will retire as ship’s Captain in six months, and sends a communication to the bridge crew.
Episode 5 – F*cking 1897, Godd@mmit!
Summary: An investigation into the past brings more unexpected guests than the Lido Deck can handle. New relationships ignite. One crew member loses control.
Continuing Story – It’s a busy day on the Lido Deck, as Dr. Lewie and Nurse Grapple are dealing with a rush of “capture-and-release” abduction cases after the Picker malfunctions when they are targeting a farmer from 1897. Neville has ordered an investigation into the 1897 central US airship sighting wave after learning that it wasn’t headed by the Grays. Who was it, then? They beam aboard Henry, a young, black Illinois farmer who was an eyewitness.
They also accidentally pick up Femi, a 20-year old Egyptian girl from the Ramses II era, and Destiny, a 20-year old black rapper from Queens, 2009. Because they don’t have enough room to separate everyone, Femi and Henry share a holding cell, and the two share an instant chemistry. They become closer as the episode progresses, and in between flirts and eventually kisses, they also discuss things like their radically different slavery backgrounds. (Her people enslaved Hebrews, his people had only recently been emancipated). They are bonding.
Lewie (who is often called a Buttnik behind his back) is instantly captivated by Destiny, seeing her unconscious, beautiful, on the exam table. But she regains consciousness unexpectedly and proves to be quite vocal. She calms down some when she realizes Lewie is, obviously, flirting with her, and she gets flirty, too. Destiny overhears Lewie and Ros talking about how the Abduction Rules clearly state that no one can be taken who is famous or consequential. She argues with them – They have to take her back because she is going to be a famous rapper. Eventually, she breaks down, teary, thinking about how maybe her life wouldn’t make a difference to anyone on Earth. Lewie puts in a formal request to convert Destiny from C&R (catch-and-release) to Guest status. In the end, permission is granted.
Neville finally gets to the bottom of the 1897 mystery … It’s a species of shapeshifters that the grays have only heard about. At the end of the episode, when Lewie goes to release Henry and Femi, he finds only Femi in the cell. Henry is gone. There is blood on the floor, and blood dripping from Femi’s mouth. She is smoking a cigarette, looking satisfied. She sees Lewie, shrugs with a smile and says,” It’s what we do” as she morphs into a 6-ft tall Mantis.
Resolved Story – OTT begins experiencing strange, loud outbursts, full of cursing and anger – and it finally happens onstage. The audience, used to his happy, uplifting presence, is mortified. He visits Coach Rootha, who had told him not to internalize his feelings. She asks if he is letting out pent up anger over not knowing he was a robot, over his last break-up, over his long hours at work? Or, maybe it’s mechanical… a corrupted language file … or possible, intentional sabotage? Huit is called in, and he discovers someone has implanted a Tourette’s Circuit into OTT’s hard drive. It’s controlled remotely. Huit is able to identify fingerprints, and it’s OTT’s ex, Zed, still upset about the break-up, trying to make OTT lose his job and express the anger they feel about being rejected by him. OTT confronts Zed at work and the two of them get into a close-up, face-to-face, whispering, curse-filled argument, before kissing passionately.
Episode 6 – Hopelessly Demoted
Summary: New intel leads to jealousy and power struggles in the Ssskion fleet. Stella enrolls in a new school.
Resolved Story – As Shavika has risen in the ranks of Ssskion leadership, her relationship with Stecki has grown problematic. As brave and competent as she has become, Shavika is still insanely jealous, even though Stecki has tried to show loyalty. Shavika has been promoted to General, for her bravery in battle and finally, to second in command of the fleet, alongside Stecki on the Ssskion flagship.
Stecki and Shavika learn that Zenith is still alive. Stecki’s knee-jerk reaction is joy and a renewed interest in Zenith. Shavika is furious. Stecki promises to forget Zenith and stay loyal to Shavika, but when Stecki’s text to Zenith is intercepted by Shavika, she flies into a rage. At the end of the episode, she’s about to kill him and take command. Stecki convinces Shavika to spare him, desperately saying she can have his command. She agrees, assumes command, and demotes him to Head Toilet Cleaner. “No, wait - Assistant Toilet Cleaner.”
When Neville and Zenith learn that Shavika has taken command of the Ssskion fleet, they know a new era is beginning. Stecki was harmless; Shavika is dangerous. Neville begins studying Ssskions more closely and organizes a Rhapsody Boot Camp to create a better defensive force. (Gags show how unequipped most grays are to fight). Zenith decides that it isn’t time to retire – She needs to stay and make sure Shavika doesn’t harm her ship. The crew celebrates her decision to stay.
Continuing Story – Donna, Ros and Stella are back on the Rhapsody. Ros and Neville visit and discuss the Ssskion threat and the progress of the SounDrive systems. Neville wants the ship to become more defense-driven and asks if they can focus on weaponizing the SounDrive. Roswell is a pacifist, and pushes back. It’s his research. There are so many positive applications for sound frequency technology. They wind up in an argument.
Donna enrolls Stella in the Hybrid pre-school. They haven’t had a “mother” attend in many years, and they dust off an old orientation education film, explaining the history and purpose of the Hybrid program, and how it’s been developing for generations.
Episode 7 – Laika
Summary: Donna is homesick, and wants to integrate more Earth customs into her life aboard the Rhapsody. The crew attempts a heartwarming rescue mission into the past.
Resolved Story – Following the recent visit to Earth, Donna is homesick for some of the things she had on Earth. She wants Stella to have a dog. “Where am I supposed to find an Earth dog in space?” asks Roswell. Donna tells him about Laika, the Russian dog who was launched into space and never recovered. The whole crew decides to save Laika. They set the Picker to Earth Orbit, November 3, 1957 – targeting the Sputnik 2, and abduct Laika just minutes before she dies in the capsule. History isn’t changed, but Laika is rescued. They bring her aboard the Rhapsody, save her and introduce her to Stella. Laika and Stella bond immediately. We see scenes of Laika and Stella walking around the ship, playing together, etc. Donna shows Stella how to play fetch with Laika. Neville is crazy about Laika, too, as she reminds him of his dog back home. Destiny is afraid of dogs. Laika becomes an ambassador/support animal to help greet and acclimate the new human guests.
Continuing Story – In addition to a dog for Stella, Donna also wants a wedding. She’s a 1962 woman, and she won’t feel like her family is complete until she and Roswell are husband and wife. Roswell explains that some gray couples do have Earth wedding ceremonies – but mostly as a Cosplay thing. Wedding ceremonies aren’t a thing for Grays. Donna explains what it means to her, and how their relationship is so much more of a marriage than what she had with her husband, John, back on Earth.
At the end of the episode, the ship docks on Titan, a gorgeous place – a moon of Saturn with an orange sky and a beautiful view of the Rings. Roswell and Donna are talking about how beautiful the rings are, when he pulls out an engagement ring, and proposes.
Episode 8 – Caveman on a Leash
Summary: A caveman and a wedding planner lead Donna and Roswell to wrestle with some big questions, as a shipwide emotional emergency threatens the lives of everyone aboard.
Continuing Story – Lewie calls Roswell to the Probe Lab to see a new abductee – a caveman who is singing a melody. They brought him onboard to monitor the ongoing DNA manipulation that the grays began long ago. Ros talks about the origins of music. They can communicate with the caveman through the microscopic Rosetta Chip they installed in his neck. Lewie is hungry, so they put the caveman on a leash and take him to Burger World. The caveman wolfs down some burgers and as they’re walking back to the lab, Donna shows up. The Caveman lunges at her and is aggressively trying to have sex with her. They tug at his leash, pulling him away. Further down the hall, they pass Klarkyr, and the caveman picks up a sculpture and tries to bash her over the head.
Back in the Probe Lab, Grapple tells them Destiny is waiting to see Lewie in Sick Bay - just on the other side of the door. Destiny pokes her head through the door, sees the Probe Lab and starts to react. Lewie, Ros and the Caveman quickly get to the door, push her back in Sick Bay, and wipe her memory. The caveman lunges at Destiny. “ExCUSE me! Back off, you horny ass caveman!” Lewie confides in Roswell that Destiny treats him the same way when it comes to sex. She pushes him away, saying her relationships don’t work out.
The caveman is really in touch with his instincts, and Roswell starts to wonder if that’s not a viable lifestyle … untamed primal drives. He is having second thoughts about committing to a monogamous, “tamed” married lifestyle. It’s not natural for his species. Lewie says he’s keeping the Caveman for a few more days to study his DNA upgrades.
Resolved Story - Destiny convinces Donna she needs a wedding planner, and that the wedding should be AMAZING! They ask Alexandria (their Alexa/Siri) to show wedding planners and they pick one and do a first meeting. It’s VERY over-the-top. The wedding planner is ultra-romantic and flamboyant, from an alien species that mates for life. His first question is whether or not any member of the couple (or trio or quad) is from a species that mates for life. Donna and Ros disagree on whether humans mate for life. They discuss how it impacts the ceremony. At home, Donna tells Roswell that 37% of the known species in the galaxy mate for life. Roswell says there used to be more - but they went extinct because they got tired of each other. He says it’s a good thing humans don’t mate for life. Donna is confused and hurt.
Later, Donna goes to Klare’s bar at Club Nova, saying “I need a drink, Klare.” She confesses that she’s nervous about the wedding because her first marriage to John was so bad. Does she really want to do that again?
At the end of the episode, Ros and Donna are in bed, talking about the caveman and mating for life, when a ship-wide “incident” helps make their decision easier.
Resolved Story – Orlando is helping Huit organize files in the systems folder. He sees one he doesn’t recognize, and opens it. We hear Huit burst out laughing in the next room. Orlando is shocked and swims in to see what’s going on. Huit is cracking up about a joke he heard in Season 1. Then he laughs about another one. Then he hugs Orlando and thanks him for the time he nursed him back to health when he had bot crabs, telling him that he’s his best friend. “I love you, man.”
Orlando realizes something is wrong. He discovers he’s accidentally opened the file where Huit’s emotions are stored. Everyone thought Huit didn’t HAVE emotions, but he does, and they’ve just been stored safely away where they can’t trigger the ship’s systems through Huit’s AI-infused brains. Huit asks Orlando to keep the file open. He likes the new feelings. Huit goes to Club Nova (with Orlando in his sea helmet) and is being social, friendly, interacting, much to everyone’s surprise and delight. Then he’s moved to tears by a song someone sings on stage. All the lights in Club Nova turn blue, and a pipe bursts on the bridge, spraying water everywhere. Huit thinks he can control his feelings, so they don’t interfere with the ship’s systems, but he realizes he can’t. In the end, one of his emotional epiphanies nearly kills everyone on the ship. Huit realizes he doesn’t want to be alone - He wants to merge with another living being - not just computer circuits. His epiphany magnetizes all organic material on the ship - which is funny and awful. After having an episode full of wonderful feelings, beautiful and melancholy, sad, glorious, elated and devastated, Huit tells Orlando to close the folder. It’s safer to not feel anything.
Roswell and Donna, who have been struggling with pre-wedding jitters, talking in bed, are suddenly pulled together, smushed up against one another during Huit’s epiphany. While the rest of the crew is panicking, Roswell says, “You know - this is nice.”
Episode 9 – Bloodlines
Summary: A Bachelor Party goes awry as wedding plans escalate. An old enemy makes a new threat that could stop everything.
Continuing Story – As Donna is planning her wedding, and an elaborate honeymoon, she wishes her mother could be at the wedding. She finds out that her mother was also an abductee, and her grandmother was, too. She learns that she is part of a bloodline that the grays have been grooming for generations (all with green eyes and RH negative blood). There is a way to transport Donna’s mother - and Grandmother - in for the wedding, from the time portals where they were regularly being abducted. Donna begins to wonder about what the grays have planned for Stella’s future.
Resolved Story - Neville throws a Bachelor Party in his quarters for Roswell. Lewie, Manalishi, Huit, Orlando, OTT and the Caveman (still on a leash, with Lewie) are there. None of the strippers are remotely gray-ish or humanoid (a giant amoeba, a crab, a sloth takes forever to disrobe). Ros has to pick which one gives him the lap dance. The porno films are awful. Roswell isn’t into it - but it’s funny.
Lewie talks to the guys about his frustrating lack of sex with Destiny. She seems to want him, but pushes him away, and when she finally agrees to have sex with him, something always interrupts them or stops it. We see a montage of Lewie and Destiny sex fails.
Continuing Story – Shavika, as the new Ssskion Fleet Commander, is making great strides for the Ssskion world. She is a brilliant strategist, from a wealthy family and is expanding the empire. But when she intercepts another text that Stecki is sending to Zenith, she flies into a fit of rage, and exiles him to an asteroid in an obsolete star system. One of the Ssskion crew members notes that “Love makes her crazy.” Shavika vows “Death to Zenith, and ALL OF HER DESCENDANTS!”
Episode 10 – Wedding Crashers
Summary: The big day is full of surprises, as uninvited guests crash the wedding.
Resolved Story – Donna and Roswell are getting married in a chapel on a beautiful planet – with a beach where the sun is always rising, and a rainbow is always in the sky. The wedding planner and his robot assistant are attending to all the details: caterers, Destiny’s song list, the cake, the drinks…
Zenith and Donna’s mother get acquainted. Stella is the flower girl. Neville is the Best Man. OTT is officiating. The photographer snaps away. Several surprise guests arrive, including Demain, Roswell’s father, who arranged special transport from Dulce. Donna is wishing she had a Maid of Honor, when Cindy (her friend from Season 1) surprises her, having flown in from Planet Bowie for the wedding.
The ceremony begins, but in the middle, Shavika barges in, declaring she has a wedding gift. She brings in a tall figure, in chains, with a hood over his face. She rips off the hood to reveal -- John, Donna’s husband, from Earth! She tells the crowd that Donna is already married. Everyone gasps. Donna looks dizzy. John faints. (Act break)
A line of Ssskion soldiers (dressed in wedding suits) lines up behind Shavika, guns drawn on the wedding audience. Exasperated and disheveled, the wedding planner runs in, yelling, “I told them they weren’t on the guest list!” They capture and gag him. Shavika yells for Zenith, tells the audience how Zenith is trying to steal Stecki from the Ssskion Empire. “She will pay with her life - and the lives of her descendents!” As Zenith stands, Manalishi jumps in front of her and draws a weapon. Donna steps in front of Roswell hiding him behind her billowy wedding gown, and Laika protects Stella, growling and barking at the Ssskions.
Zenith: “Shavika, are you kidding me?!? This is all because of …. Stecki??? I don’t want Stecki. I don’t even like him.” Shavika pauses, looks skeptical, confused. “And who the hell is that?” Zenith continues - motioning toward John, passed out.
John regains consciousness to hear Shavika saying, “Who is THIS? Let’s ask Donna!” Donna is speechless, and tries to explain, but John interrupts. He sits up, with guns pointed at him all around, and tries to save himself, explaining they have the wrong guy. He’s not her husband. He says that the same day Donna was declared dead, he married his young secretary that he’d been having an affair with for years. He isn’t connected to Donna - at all. They should let him go. Everyone recoils in shock. Shavika blasts John with her gun, and he disintegrates, as the wedding audience and all of the Ssskion soldiers applaud. Donna is only shocked for a moment. She knew it all along, and now, she is truly free to marry Roswell.
Shavika turns her gun back to Zenith.
Roswell intervenes. He has worked with the Wedding Planner to infiltrate the music with a new SounDrive app - a love enhancer frequency. Ros says nervously (as he moves slowly to the soundboard), “Hey, let’s talk about this. Put on some music… I’m sure it’s just been …. a…. misunderstanding?” When the music starts, the SounDrive love frequencies relax everyone. Their hearts begin to open. The Ssskions let their guns fall to the floor. Manalishi motions for security bots to take them away and secretly wraps a force field around the Ssskion intruders. Now Shavika is the only threat.
Donna takes a deep breath, looks at Roswell and says, “This is my wedding day! Let’s do this!” Everyone cheers, and the Ssskions, nod their heads in agreement. Shavika looks around at the smiling wedding guests and chuckles sarcastically, agreeing to kill everyone later. She puts her gun down, and Manalishi sneaks in to grab it, unseen.
The ceremony finishes, with OTT officiating. He asks if they can kill the music, and Roswell shouts “NO”! He knows it’s the only thing keeping everyone from fighting. Roswell and Donna are married, declared husband and wife.
As Ros and Donna walk back down the aisle and head for the reception, even the Ssskion troops are weepy. Shavika, a true romantic at heart, is obviously moved. Zenith says to Shavika, “I’ve been tracking your career since you tried to kill me. You can do better than Stecki. You can lead your people to greatness, not into a stupid war. Because WAR is where this will lead, if you harm me, my son, or anyone here. Today is about love.” Shavika looks thoughtful and walks away.
The lights sputter and flicker. The music stops. Stecki appears in hologram form, facing Zenith and the wedding party, with his back to the Ssskions. “Zenith, baby, you haven’t been answering my texts. I have to warn you - I think Shamooki might be planning to crash the wedding and-”
“SHUT UP, STECKI!” Zenith and Shavika yell it together. He turns around to see Shavika and her troops. “And it’s SHAVIKA, moron!” Shavika says, spinning back to Zenith, realizing her gun has been taken. “I knew you were lying.”
Zenith tries to calm her down. “Shavika, no. You’re a strong leader. One day, we might become allies.”
Shavika: “Allies? (laughs) You and me? I don’t need you. The Ssskions have already formed an alliance …. Haven’t we…. Destiny?” Destiny morphs into a Mantis. Lewie looks shocked, then says, “Man it’s a good thing we didn’t…” and faints.
Post credits scene is snaps of the wedding photos - some heartwarming, some funny.
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